6 Benefits of Working with a Marketing Agency

The extent and effectiveness of your marketing initiatives largely determine the future success of your business. Customer retention, brand awareness and digital presence all depend on strong marketing, so naturally, these decisions should not be taken lightly. If your company is faced with the choice of whether to work with a marketing agency or take the marketing in house, we have some light to shed.

Of course, each route each has its own set of unique advantages, but if cutting edge strategy and optimum productivity are at the top of your priority list, hiring an agency may just be the best option for your business. Here are only a few of the benefits of working with a marketing agency:

Knowledge of the Latest and Greatest Industry Trends

Does it seem like every day you wake up to a new Instagram feature or Google’s new algorithm? We get it – the ever-changing world of marketing can make your head spin at times. While your company is staying current on its own industry trends, agencies are staying current on the latest marketing developments. Count on us to have our thumb on the pulse of cutting-edge social media and marketing trends.

Larger Scope of Marketing Capabilities

You’ll be hard-pressed to find one individual who is an expert on digital marketing, advertising, content creation, graphic design, social media and strategic planning. But when hiring an agency, your world opens up to an entire team of pros who have perfected all areas of marketing to deliver the best results to your company.

Access to Advanced Marketing Tools

You’d be surprised at the number of social media, digital marketing, reporting and graphic design tools, software and programs available to help marketers maintain the highest level of accuracy and performance. Of course, these tools can be an added expense for businesses and require extensive employee training. When working with an agency, you have access to all these programs without having to go through the hassle of researching and purchasing them on your company’s dime.

Tap Into an Outside Perspective

When you’re focusing so intently on the same business and same industry every single day, it can be easy to form tunnel vision. Working with an agency gives you the advantage of an outside creative perspective. Not sure how an idea or deliverable would look to a consumer? Worried about how certain messaging might be perceived? No problem! Your marketing agency can give you a fresh, honest and intelligible opinion.

Consistency and Stability

Employee turnover is a challenge that many businesses face. Training an in-house marketing professional only to re-train a new one in a year is time-consuming, expensive and damages the overall consistency of your company’s marketing initiatives. Working with an established agency ensures continual expert strategy and execution – without the training costs.

Cost Effective and More Productive

Let’s be real – hiring a full-time employee is no bargain move. Along with their salary, companies must pay PTO, benefits, retirement, etc. While this certainly can be a practical route depending on the situation, many businesses have opted for a marketing agency because they are only paying for the actual marketing work being performed. Working with an agency allows companies to zero in on specific tasks for marketing pros to tackle in a cost-effective manner.

Is your company ready to hire an agency to handle its marketing? Give us a holler, we’d love to chat about how we can transform your future!