6 Ways to Amp Up Your Social Engagement

The digital age has given businesses the unique opportunity to engage with clients and potential clients on a more personal level. In past decades, there was a distinct line between the business sector and the public sector, with each entity functioning separately. That line has now blurred, and strong businesses make a point of engaging with their customers on a more personal level.

This special degree of personal engagement has been greatly fostered by social media. However, your social media strategy plays a huge role in its conversational potential. Here are just a few ways you can utilize your social channels to elevate conversation with your followers:

1 | Evaluate Your Tone

Before implementing a new social media tactic, first evaluate your tone. Does it sound like you’re chatting with a friend – or at least a casual business acquaintance – or do you sound more like a research paper? Are you outgoing and approachable or stiff and sterile? Maybe even throw in an emoji or two if it’s relevant. Get more ideas on conversational social content to engage customers.

2 | Invite Followers to Share Photos

It’s the era of Instagram – people LOVE taking photos and sharing them for the world to see. Tap into that millennial desire and invite your followers to share photos of their own. Some good photo subjects include pets, views from their balcony, weekend hike, etc. Bonus points if you want to go as far as hosting a photo contest for cutest pup!

3 | Share Content from Followers   

In that same vein, let followers know you see them and hear them by sharing content they have posted and tagged you in. This reminds customers that they are communicating with real people and allow them to feel like they have a special connection with your business.

4 | Ask Questions to Spark Discussion

The best way to get a conversation rolling is to ask a question on your social pages. A couple safe routes to go are:

  • Ask for opinions on a piece of industry news
  • Ask what their favorite something is (e.g. item on a menu, local weekend getaway, etc.)
  • Tag a friend to attend an event with

We recommend steering clear of anything controversial, and you might want to frequently monitor comments for anything negative or obscene (hey, you never know with some people).

5 | Be Responsive

Throwing out questions and opportunities for conversation don’t work unless it’s a TWO-way conversation. If people comment on your channels, be quick to respond – or at least react if a response isn’t warranted. Be sure to check your DM’s daily to answer any direct questions as quickly as possible.

6 | Collaborate

Tapping into other businesses’ audiences is a great way to expand your reach and connect with new potential customers. Identify like-minded, complementing businesses that share the same goals and values as yours. Collaborating with other businesses for cross-promotion on social media creates a sense of community – and everyone wins!

So, take a step back and honestly ask yourself if your social media is a conversation. If you need a helping hand in how you handle client relations through your marketing strategy, give us a holler today.