8 Apartment Amenities Ren-named for Gen Z

If you’re in the multifamily and apartment world, we know you’re always striving to keep things fresh and exciting in your apartment communities and guess what?

We’ve got just the scoop on how to do that, Gen Z style!

Our team recently had a bit too much fun channeling our inner Gen Z’ers and coming up with some hilarious slang-infused names for apartment amenities. We were inspired by the playful spirit of brands like Innocent, and we couldn’t resist giving your amenities a hip, new twist.

So, let’s dive into the world of “Gen Z-ified” apartment amenities. 

Outdoor Grilling Station = Bussin’ BBQ Grill Spot 

 Apartment Amenities for Gen Z

Who needs a plain old grilling station when you can have a Bussin’ BBQ Grill Spot? Get ready to grill up a storm and vibe with your neighbors while you’re at it! We have to admit, Gen Z might be onto something with this one. 

Rooftop Lounge = Rizzy Rooftop 

Apartment Amenities for Gen Z

Elevate your social game at the Rizzy Rooftop. The views are epic, the atmosphere is chill, and the Insta-worthy moments are limitless. One thing we’ve learned from Gen Z is that if you don’t know what rizz is, you don’t have it! 

Year-round Pool = Year-round Pool. No Cap.

Apartment Amenities for Gen Z

No more waiting for summer – enjoy a dip anytime in the Year-round Pool. And no cap, it’s really available all year long!

Upgraded Clubhouse = GOAT Game Room FR FR

Apartment Amenities for Gen Z

Say goodbye to the mundane clubhouse and hello to the GOAT Game Room FR FR. If this lingo has you lost, it may be time to hop on the TikTok bandwagon or give Urban Dictionary a friendly visit – we won’t judge. 

Pet-friendly = Pet Stans

Apartment Amenities for Gen Z

Pet Stans know where it’s at, and if you’re not on board, you might just find yourself in the crosshairs of cancel culture. Stay trendy, folks!

Coffee Station = Get that Drip

Apartment Amenities for Gen Z

Don’t just settle for coffee; Get that Drip, Gen Z style. Whether you’re a latte lover or an espresso enthusiast, you can rest assured, you’ll get that drip. Still finding it hard to believe that Gen Z is old enough to drink coffee? Same. 

Fitness Center = Baddie Studio 

Apartment Amenities for Gen Z

Level up your fitness game at the Baddie Studio. Get fit, feel fierce, and slay those workouts. This is one we’re definitely on board with. 

Business Center = Big Brain Business Center

Apartment Amenities for Gen Z

Need to get work done? Head to the Big Brain Business Center – where big ideas and productivity flow. 

As we wrap up our tour of these Gen Z-inspired apartment amenities, we want to leave you with a smile and a reminder that the world is always evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends can be a fun and exciting journey.

Now, if some of these names leave you scratching your head, don’t fret. Remember, this is the generation that brought us trends like fidget spinners and TikTok challenges, and yes, the infamous Tide Pod challenge (please, don’t try that at home). 

But, it’s all in good fun! Whether you’re fully onboard with the Gen Z lingo or just here for the laughs, we hope you’ve enjoyed these renamed apartment amenities that could just be the next big thing. 

After all, in the ever-changing landscape of apartment living, embracing new ideas and trends can make all the difference.

If staying up-to-date with the latest apartment community trends feels like a challenge, don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Reach out to us, and let’s level up your apartment game together – no cap.